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In today’s digital age, virtual services are hitting an all-time high. Call answering services in particular are relatively commonplace for businesses of all sizes.
Call answering services bring you a whole host of benefits including cost-savings, improving business image, and even boosting sales. Believe it or not, call answering services can capture leads and convert your callers into sales to secure them as clients.
The key to a successful business and longevity is making sales. Of course, we already know this. Unanswered calls result in lost business and the amount of business lost is untraceable.
Making sure that someone is always available to answer your calls will help to minimise the chance of a caller going elsewhere. When customers can’t get through to you, they may not re-dial and try again later, they will simply move on to your competitor.
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Why voicemails are a big no-no
There are many reasons why callers terminate a call and it’s not always why you may expect. Customers don’t just terminate a call when they encounter rude staff, in fact, they may hang up before they even get through to speak with an agent. If the call takes a long time to answer or if it goes straight to voicemail, your customers may end the call without leaving a message. Believing that your callers will leave a voicemail is problematic and isn’t something you should rely on. When leaving voicemails, your customer has no way of knowing if or when someone will listen to their message. Worse than that, they then don’t know when they can expect to hear from you. A call answering service will ensure that your customers speak with a real person every time they call, which holds the potential to secure a sale.Prioritise your tasks
All businesses experience rapid increases in their call volumes and busy periods. Whether you’re on the ball with your business or not, you can never truly predict when this is going to happen. While you can predict seasonal increases and lunchtime rushes, you will have limited capacity when it comes to ensuring no calls are missed. In such situations, the answer here is having a call answering service in place to help with your overflow calls. This will ensure that every customer reaches a person and not a voicemail. When a call answering service answers your calls, you will receive a message notification with the callers’ details and a reason for their call. This will allow you to prioritise your tasks and action anything you need to, when you need to, rest assured that your customer’s expectations have been managed.Boost sales
As long as you can provide your call answering service team with the right script and call-handling instructions, they will use their skills and experience to sell your products and services to your callers. If you arm them with all the information they need, they can offer your customers advice, guidance on where to find something on the website, and anything else they may need. Should they not have the information your customers require, they will arrange a call back for you – while assuring your customers that it is all in hand.Improved Reputation
If you want to present your business as trustworthy, you must have someone available to answer your calls. In business, reputation is everything and how you treat your customers and how valuable they feel will make all the difference. Customers will only ever make purchases from businesses they trust, and this is where a call-answering service can help. Call answering services will help shape the impression your customers have of your business.Start using our award winning service
Let our professional team handle your calls, web chats and Facebook Messenger on your behalf!
You can also call 0800 009 6555 or email